This page documents our AFC (Applied Fractional Calculus) Workshop Series at UC Merced since April 2014. Previously we had over 200 documented talks on various apsects in AFC at Utah State University here.
Please check our AFC homepage for news/activities at ( You are welcome to check our old AFC page at Utah State University) [add infront of to fix broken links]
Summer 2021 - While getting out of pandemic (last updated: 5/30/2021 Sunday), a newly developed short course of 32 hours: "Applied Fractional Calculus in Big Data and Machine Learning" (大数据和机器学习中的应用分数阶微积分). Course material access (upon request in professional way, i.e., none anonymous from an institutional email address). Youtube channel playlist: (tbd). An overview paper "Why Do Big Data and Machine Learning Entail the Fractional Dynamics?" has the motivations why this course is needed as many do not see the dots actually connected that is AFC+BD+ML has to be recognized and comprehended now.
List of topics (subject to changes)
Useful links
A New Triangle (FC-RG-ML) [ASME IDETC/ ASME/IEEE MESA 2021 paper local PDF]
FC connection to RG (renormalization group)."Renormalization group and fractional calculus methods in a complex world: A review" Lihong Guo, YangQuan Chen, Shaoyun Shi, Bruce J. West January 29, 2021 Page range: 5-53 [local pdf]
FC connection to ML. "Why Do Big Data and Machine Learning Entail the Fractional Dynamics?"
RG connection to ML. (see references therein )
Advanced big data analytics for control performance assessment in Industry 4.0 era [ppts, Youtube playlist - 4 hours] at ACC2021 Tutorial
FCAST book series: Fractional Calculus in Applied Sciences and Engineering
ME280 "Fractional Order Mechanics" course materials slides/videos (2013), [Youtube Channel playlist 2013 offering][2013 AFC Day@ UCMERCED playlist] [ 2017 FISP ME-280 playlist] [2013 ASME IDETC MESA workshop whole day play list]
2020 Fall ME280 - new complete release - Youtube Playlist (first released: 6/5/2021) [check Dr. Chen's teaching activities for more info]
- for more updates.
- 04/21/2014.
- Group meeting to know each other (Flyer template (DOC) and Slide template (PPT)). Dr. Chen's motivational talk. Group roster. Showcased the workshop format for Igor Podlubny's 50th Birthday Workshop (
) at Utah State University.
- See what Dr. Chen said (who-am-i;my-best-afc-results;my-future-afc-results;)
- Group meeting to know each other (Flyer template (DOC) and Slide template (PPT)). Dr. Chen's motivational talk. Group roster. Showcased the workshop format for Igor Podlubny's 50th Birthday Workshop (
- 05/05/2014.
- Tomas Oppenheim, Elucidating a “Best” Understanding of Biomolecule Dynamics with Stochastic Fractional Calculus
- Jiacai Huang. Fractional Calculus Application in Human-in-the-Loop (HuIL) System.
- Xiaodong Sun. Fractional Calculus in sea clutter.
- Guimei Zhang. A Novel Fractional Order Canny Operator for Texture Images
- Zhanbin Bai. The existence of solutions for a class of fractional differential equations.
- 05/19/2014.
- Zhigang Lian. Target Search.
- Jianxiong Cao. High Order Numerical Approximation to Caputo Derivative and Its Application.
- Taizhi Lyu. Fractional Calculus Application in Physiological Signal Analysis.
- Xiaobao Jia. Optimization Strategies for Building Energy Manangement Systems.
- Zhuo Li. A Brief Literature Survey on the Preview Control Systems and the Computed Torque Method.
- 06/02/2014. Fractional Calculus Day at UC Merced 2014 Edition cum The Fourth AFC Workshop @ MESA LAB @ UC MERCED - flyer.doc.
- Dr. YangQuan Chen (10min) FC Day Introduction (PPT) [Event photos]
- Dr. Yan Li (90 min) Recent developments in fractional-order dynamic systems: stability, control and optimization (Part-I and Part-II) ( (Invited speaker)
- Dr. Ying Luo (45 min) Fractional Order Motion Control and Industrial Perspectives ( (Invited speaker)
- Dr. Tomas Oppenheim (20min). Attention quantification and fractional calculus.
- Yousef Naranjani (20min). Multi-objective optimal distributed order damping. (Invited speaker)
- Dr. Jiacai Huang (20min). Motion control with human in the loop.
- Dr. Xiaodong Sun (20min). Fractional Random Number Generators.
- Dr. Guimei Zhang (20min). Fractional Order Image Processing: Multiview case.
- Dr. Zhanbing Bai (20min). An Issue in Fractional Order Mechanics.
- Dr. Zhigang Lian (20min). More optimal Levy search.
- Jianxiong Cao (20min). Optimal spraying of fractional dynamic pest spreading in precision agriculture.
- Yanan Qiu (20min). Fractional order friction compensation experiments.
- Xiaobao Jia (20min). Occupancy engaged building energy efficiency: An overview.
- Taizhi Lyu (20min). Hurst parameter of Hurst parameter series.
- Zhuo Li (20min). Fractional order decoupler design.
- Tiebiao Zhao (20min). Embedded RIOTS:A research roadmap.
- Marwin Ko (20min). Human stress observer/estimator: A progress report.
- Dr. YangQuan Chen (20min). Jitter dynamics, outlier’s data right and fractional calculus (PPT).
- 06/16/2014.
- Dr. YangQuan Chen. Comments on fractional calculus related papers at ACC2014 and ICRA2014.
- Dr. Tomas Oppenheim. CTRW Toolbox Tutorial (PPT).
- Dr. Guimei Zhang. Multiview image stitching (PPT).
- Dr. Jiacai Huang. Mathematical models of human pilot behavior.
- Dr. Zhanbing Bai. Montone iterative method for a class of fractional differential equations (PPT).
- 06/30/2014. ICFDA2014 paper reading, roundtable discussion and personal research presentations.
- 07/14/2014. Cancelled.
- 07/28/2014.
- 08/11/2014. Prof. Igor Podlubny's visit.
- Prof. Igor Podlubny, Fractional calculus and musical insruments: what is common?
- Dr. Jiacai Huang, Human operator modeling using fractional calculus- old data with new interpretation.
- Dr. Jiacai Huang, Applied fractional calculus related papers in China, a snap shot of 2014.
- Jianxiong Cao, DRONE MATH-Optimal unmanned cropdusting for pest mangement: the case of time-fractional, space-fractional and time-space fractional pest spreading dynamics.
- Dr. Guimei Zhang, Fractional calculus and image processing.
- Dr. Xiaodong Sun, Fractional calculus in sea clutter-A survey.
- Dr. Yongli Song, Turing-Hopf bifurcations in the reaction-diffusion equations and its application to an autocatalysis model.
- Yanan Qiu, Barrier Lyapunov Functions(BLF)-based output-constrained control for Brushless DC Motor with its application to ABS system.
- Prof. Chen, What is new in Fall 2014 offering of ME 280 "Fractional Order Mechnics" @UC Merced.
- 08/25/2014.
- Dr. Zhigang Lian, Based on L´evy distribution searching scheme for the target and application to crashed flight.
- Jianxiong Cao, Solving diffusion equations with two dimensional space variables from the prospective of control.
- Yanan Qiu, Adaptive backstepping dynamic surface control for output constrained dynamic brushless DC motor.
- 09/08/2014. IFAC2014 paper reading, roundtable discussion and personal research presentations.
- 09/22/2014.
Group photo 04/21/2014 @ MESA Lab