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June 23, 2024
2024 Summer International Workshop on Methane Emission took place on June 21 The Center for Methane Emission Research and Innovation (CMERI ) 2024 Summer International Workshop on Methane Emission   Where: Room #22, MESA Lab @ UC Merced Castle...
June 23, 2024
MESA Lab 2024 research group members Postdoctoral Fellow, CEMRI Center Manager: Dr. Derek Hollenbeck Visiting (Exchange) Professors, Exchange Undergraduates/Graduates: Prof. Liu, Xiguang ** (China); Prof. Norelys Aguila Camacho (Chile); Mr. Nicolas Dubuisson * (France) and Mr. Ricardo...
June 18, 2024
UC Merced Climate Action Innovation and Entrepreneurship Proof of Concept Funds (Round 2, Spring 2024) Program Synopsis: Early-stage innovations stemming from university research are often perceived as too uncertain or too risky to attract funding to translate into commercial products...
June 7, 2024
MESA Lab papers accepted by IEEE/ASME MESA2024  The following papers were just accepted by IEEE/ASME MESA2024 ( Congratulations! Two Tracks are co-organized by Prof. Chen.  MESA-01 AI and Emerging Technologies for MESA (Mechatronics Embedded Systems and...
May 10, 2024
MESA Lab's new GPU workstation benchmarked   Impressive scores with two 4090 boards. See more details at Thanks to Rafal, Sachin! Created and last updated 5/10/2024.
April 21, 2024
Dr. Chen invited to serve the Section Editor-in-Chief on "Optimization, Big Data, and AI/ML" for the journal Fractal Fractional   "Optimization, Big Data, and AI/ML" is a newly established section of the MDPI journal Fractal and Fractional (ISSN 2504-3110) proposed by...
March 31, 2024
MESA Lab accepted papers at the 12th IFAC Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Bordeaux, France, July 9-12, 2024  5 papers peer reviewed and accepted: Marco Milanesi, Antonio Visioli, YangQuan Chen* (163638, 28081, 14519) . Performance comparison between PID...
March 20, 2024
Congratulations to Dr. Di An for a successful defense of his PH.D. dissertation! March 20th, 2024, 12-2pm SRE307. Di has successfully defended his Ph.D. disseration entitled "XAIOT ENABLED SMART SENSING OF SOIL CARBON CONTENT FOR SMART APPLICATION OF BIOCHAR" and passed with unanimous...
March 14, 2024 new: "Digital Twins" Fall 2024 course flyer PDF Created and last updated 3/14/2024 00:04AM by Prof. YangQuan Chen
March 5, 2024
MESA Lab recently presented two posters in two events. "I" words used: "inform", "impress", "inviting" etc. ["I" word slide from Prof. Chen's  traditional talk "On research excellence".] Di's poster is on "XAIoT...
