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May 21, 2013
May 23rd, 2013, 2-3PM @ MESA LAB, Mechatronics, Embedded Systems and Automation (MESA) Lab,4225 N. Hospital Rd., Atwater, CA 95301. T:209-2284398 Contact: Professor YangQuan Chen, Email: Title: Battery Model-Based Thrust Controller for a Small, Low Cost Multirotor Unmanned...
May 6, 2013
MESA LAB welcomes new member: Mr. Taizi Lyu. Taizhi will arrive May 10th and stay for one year as an exchange Ph.D. student. His home university is Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China. Research interests: SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping); Multi-sensor Data...
April 23, 2013
Apr/20/2013 (Saturday), the 3rd Robots and Ribs (R&R = Research&Related in monthly envent was held successfully in MESA Lab. We have more robots this time, and of course, more ribs! 53 attendants.
April 17, 2013
MESA LAB welcomes Mr. Tobias Fromm, Ph.D. student, Robotics Group, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. His MEAM Graduate Seminar info (4/19/2013, 2-3PM, Friday, room SE1-138) Title: Intelligent Robots For The Win: Selected Topics in Applied Machine Learning  Abstract:  For various...
April 11, 2013 Theme Issue published @ Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences Theme Issue ‘Fractional calculus and its applications’ compiled and edited by Changpin Li, YangQuan...
April 11, 2013
Congratulations to Peter Ferrell! MESA LAB member's story: Engineering a Garden Takes a Campus Community  
April 11, 2013
Dr. Jiaguo Liu arrived today from Shandong University. He will be visiting MESA LAB for one year. Dr. Liu's expertise is on fractional calculus and its applications. Dr. Liu will work with Dr. Chen closely on fractional order mechanics. We will offer ME280 "Fractional Order Mechanics...
April 6, 2013
The MESA Lab 3D Printer has finally arrived! Still in its box 3D Printing for the next generation of research! New research capabilities are being opened by the advent of 3D printing technology.  From developing custom electronic mounting boards to printing entire UAVs, even more MESA Lab...
March 9, 2013
Today, the 2nd R&R event is held successfully in MESA Lab.  Click here to see more.  
January 12, 2013
            With the first semester of the MESA Lab completed, the lab takes a look back on the progress it has made in such a short span of time. At the start of the semester the lab was nothing but empty shelves, desks, and tables. Over the...
