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September 20, 2013
Jianxiong Cao is a winner of the prestigious fellowship from China Scholarship Council (CSC). He will join us on Oct. 12, 2013 and stay with us for 12 months for his Ph.D. research on applied fractional calculus. He is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mathematics of Shanghai University,...
September 20, 2013  
September 20, 2013 Also to be offered by Dr. Chen is a half day tutorial on "Fractional Order Motion Control" based on the FOMC book (Wiley 2012)
September 15, 2013
Yanan Qiu from NWPU, China will stay with us for 24 months as a CSC Exchange Ph.D. Student from Sept. 13, 2013. Her research interests include mechatronics, mobile robots, PSO, MIMO controller design, etc. Welcome!
September 15, 2013
Bruce J. West will visit MESA LAB from 10-12:30 9/16/2013, Monday. PIzza lunch from 11:30-12:30. We will particularly introduce our research theme on how drone research and fractional caluclus are linked and will get inputs from Prof. West. All lab members are welcome to join us. Bruce's...
September 1, 2013
MESA Lab displays its latest research to the community. The MESA Lab spent September 1st at the Open Cockpit Day at the Castle Air Musem, showing off their research to the local community. Despire the heat, over 2,500 people visited the Castle Air Museum and some of them even visited our booth....
August 31, 2013
MESA Lab Robots & Ribs MESA Lab celebrated their 1 year anniversary with a special Robots & Ribs research event.  In its 1 year of existance, it has grown from its innagural two members (Director, Dr. YangQuan Chen and Lab Manager, Brandon Stark) to nearly 30 today.  More...
August 20, 2013
MESA Lab Welcomes New Graduate Students! MESA LAB welcomes new graduates in Fall 2013. They are all in ME Graduate Program Brendan Smith (PH.D. student, BE'13 in ME) Sean Rider (MSc. student, BS'13 in ME) Tiebiao Zhao (PH.D. student, BS'09 and MS'12 both in EE automation...
August 12, 2013
Prof. Zhanbing Bai from the School of information science and engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China, 266590, will be visiting MESA LAB for 12 months focusing on fractional calculus related research. Prof. Bai received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from...
August 8, 2013
MESA Lab members, Chun Yin and Brandon Stark, won the Best Paper Award in the "Applications" track of the Mechatronics and Embedded Systems and Applications Conference for their paper entitled, "Minimum Energy Cognitive Lighting Control: Stability Analysis and Experiments."...
