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Congratulations to Dr. Prof. Brandon Stark!

September 11, 2018

Please join me to congratuate Dr. Brandon Stark, MESA Lab's former Founding Manager and Ph.D. student,  for being approved by the Senate CAP (Committee on Academic Personnel) as the afffiliate faculty member of Mechnical Engineering Dept. of School of Engineering, UC Merced. Prof. Stark has the same PI (Principal Investigator) status as other regular faculty. He teaches regularly ME143 Unmanned Aerial Systems. His full time job remains to be the Founding Director of UC EHS COE on UAS, see

His Ph.D. thesis can be accessed from here:

He won the Best Paper Award (only one in one year!) of ICUAS2015 Pioneered the night flight FAA CoA in 2013 leading to this interesting paper DOI: 10.1061/9780784480595.011, among many other original and significant achievements. From this Fall 2018, he started a brand new ESL Team on legally and safely using drones on campus services.

Prof. Stark will deliver a plenary talk at ICUAS 2019 in Atlanta.



Last updated 9/11/2018.