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May 18, 2017
International Journal of Control special issue on "Applied Fractional calculus in Modelling, Analysis and Design of Control Systems" published vol. 90, issue 6. Editorial Special issue: applied fractional calculus in...
May 18, 2017
[IEEE/CAA J.Autom.Sinica] Special Issues on Fractional Order Systems and Controls guest coedited by Dr. Chen are all published and available here. [with all local PDFs, BiBTeX, single volumn PDF, abstract booklet] Other special issues published...
May 4, 2017
Intel donated MESA Lab 12 Intel Aero RTF drones We are very pleased to announce that MESA Lab just received total 12 Intel Aero RTF (ready to fly) drones for ME190 UAS course and MESA Lab UAS research purposes. This signifies the recognition of our UAS4STEM effort. For more information about our...
April 18, 2017
Congratulations to BIGIDEAS Winners: Isabella Domi, Jessica Palmer, Emery Silberman Three Mechanical Engineering undergraduates Isabella Domi, Jessica Palmer, Emery Silberman won Berkeley BIGIDEAS competition with $7000 award. Quoting from the award email (4/17/17) "Congratulations! Your Big...
April 10, 2017
Congratulations to Brandon Stark for passing the final Ph.D. dissertation defense on April 5th, 2017 Wednesday!   Well done Dr. Stark! Flyer of the defense  (PDF) Ph.D. Dissertation (Front-matter-Chapter01.PDF. For full PDF, being finalized, to be linked here)   Last...
March 31, 2017   Project 1. Consequences-Aware Co-Piloting System For Human-In-The-Loop Drone Operations Principal investigators: Mark Mueller (UC Berkeley) and YangQuan Chen (...
March 31, 2017
Congratulations to Guoxiang Zhang and Tiebiao Zhao for winning NVidia GPU grant (Titian X Pascal) (Performace comparisons)   From: NVIDIA GPU Grant Program [] Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 1:34 PM To: YangQuan Chen <> Cc:...
March 22, 2017
Mechatronics for Sustainability via Biochar Info Hub   News: 3/2/2019. MobileBiochar page is up with information on our recently awarded $3M SGC funding.      The Second Biochar Meeting @ UC Merced. Agenda.  5/3/2017 All talks were...
March 18, 2017
Prof. Chen's #UAS4STEM talk at 2nd AgTechFair @ CITRIS@UCMERCED Title: Drone Educational Ecosystem at UC Merced (#UAS4STEM) Slides (PDF 6.4Mb) (PPT 21Mb)   P.S.  On 3/10/17the whole Friday, this UC Merced Extension course (ENGR.830.1 Introduction to Drone/UAS/...
March 7, 2017
A List of FAA Certified Drone Pilots @ UC Merced Congratulations to all who successfully passed the FAA UAS Knowledge Test and obtained the FAA drone pilot licenses. We feel very proud of you! Click here for the list. This list will get longer as time goes because of our #UAS4STEM educations...
