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MESA Lab won a new grant award from UC Merced Climate Action Innovation and Entrepreneurship Proof of Concept Funds

June 18, 2024

UC Merced Climate Action Innovation and Entrepreneurship Proof of Concept Funds (Round 2, Spring 2024)

Program Synopsis: Early-stage innovations stemming from university research are often perceived as too uncertain or too risky to attract funding to translate into commercial products or services that solve real societal problems. The lack of accessible funding creates a gap between basic research and early-stage commercialization efforts. “Proof of Concept” funds help to bridge this gap by providing funding and resources to translate fundamental research with commercial potential by demonstrating proof-of-concept and establishing market viability, thus de-risking the innovation. The State of California has designated $100 million to the University of California Office of the President (UCOP), per AB 179, for climate action to address critical needs of the state. The Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) is pleased to announce that UCOP has awarded $500k of these funds to the UC Merced Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Economic Development to administer a Climate Action Innovation and Entrepreneurship proof of concept competition, of which $250k were encumbered in Fall 2023. Proposals are being solicited which support innovation and entrepreneurship activities addressing the State of California’s climate action priorities, and which are likely to attract entrepreneurs, industry, and investors willing to commercialize UC Merced innovations and result in positive societal and economic impacts for the region.

Congratulations! Our biogas engine POC project won $50,000 grant. We will develop SBIR proposal under USDA NIFA based on the prelim. results of this seed project. This project is also part of the effort in CMERI ( with its mission statement:  "CMERI takes closed-loop thinking (sensing/actuation) for taking climate actions against methane emissions due to both environmental and anthropogenic emissions. CMERI aims to develop actionable information from methane emission sensing and quantification for emission reduction and mitigation actions, and to contribute to education, outreach and workforce development for disadvantaged communities."

Our partners in this project are

Created and last updated 6/18/2024 by Prof. YangQuan Chen