We won the DOE methane funding!
It is a 44 months long program. Total $20M project from $850M total DOE Methane program with the leading partner of IBM. Congratulations! Dr. Derek Hollenbeck spearheaded the proposal writing with IBM and other partners in the summer.
See detailed news item at https://methane.ucmerced.edu/news/2024/ibm-wins-doe-proposal-characterize-methane-emissions
Area of Interest 3b: Regional Methane Emissions Characterization
End-to-End, Multi-modal, High Resolution Methane Inventory Quantification — International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (Yorktown Heights, NY) intends to demonstrate a superior methane emissions characterization process using transformative, near real-time measurements, high resolution daily satellite data, and a novel AI-enabled data fusion approach to significantly speed-up and improve the accuracy of inversion modeling over the Western United States. The project will engage students and community members from disadvantaged areas and actively integrate the results into leak detection and repair practices by sharing emission data with oil and gas operators.
Federal Funding: $19,736,446
Non-federal Funding: $0
Total Value: $19,736,446
Created and last updated by Prof. YangQuan Chen 12/22/2024.