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Congratulations to Dr. Di An for a successful defense of his PH.D. dissertation!

March 20, 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Di An for a successful defense of his PH.D. dissertation!

March 20th, 2024, 12-2pm SRE307. Di has successfully defended his Ph.D. disseration entitled "XAIOT ENABLED SMART SENSING OF SOIL CARBON CONTENT FOR SMART APPLICATION OF BIOCHAR" and passed with unanimous votes.

Di started his PH.D. program with MESA Lab in Jan. 2020. The defense flyer is here with title/abstract/photo and bio.

Di's google scholar page; Di's personal webpage:; and Dr. An's dataset contributions are at Dryad (for example He was a team member of the SGC Biochar/Methane project.

Congratulations Dr. Di An!

Created and last updated 3/20/2024 by Prof. YangQuan Chen.