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Prof. Chen's invited lectures in recent weeks

November 15, 2021

Prof. Chen was invited to deliver several presentations (plenary talks, seminars and lectures). Many were committed long time ago but many were only delayed to happen in recent weeks due to pandemic. Here is a partial list:

  • 10/18/2021. "Smart Control Engineering (SCE) Enabled by Digital Twins". XATU School of Info Science and Engineering, Zoom research seminar.
  • October 24-27, Sunday-Wednesday, 2021. "Advanced big data analytics for control performance assessment in Industry 4.0 era" (4 hours long preconference tutorial workshop, peer reviewed and invited) Tutorial lecture.   The inaugural Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference (MECC 2021), sponsored by the American Automatic Control Council (AACC)
  • 10/30/2021. "Why complexity entails fractional calculus?" (为什么复杂性蕴含分数阶微积分?)   Plenary speaker. The 17th National Conference on Complex Networks, Beijing (3000+ in realtime online)
  • 11/01/2021 "On Research Excellence" (如何追求研究卓越) Zoom talk to motivate new graduates. GDUT, School of Math., China
  • 11/01/2021 "More optimal way to optimize via fractional calculus beyond Nesterov", invited research seminar at HUST, Wuhan, China
  • 11/05/2021 "Smart Control Engineering (SCE) Enabled by Digital Twin" Plenary lecture at  2021 International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2021), which will be held in Chengdu, China on November 4-6, 2021. 
  • 11/09/2021. 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC) 2021, Nov. 9-10th, 2021. Title: Why machine learning must meet fractional calculus? Pakistan.
  • 11/09/2021 "Why machine learning must meet fractional calculus?" Invited seminar over internet @ the 3rd Int. Forum on Frontiers of Automation and Artificial Intelligence (FAAI 2021),  Nov. 8-9, 2021, in Shenyang, China, part of the 3rd Int. Composite Con. on Automation and Artificial Intelligence (ICCAAI 2021) (China)
  • 11/11/2021. "Fractional Order Motion Control: An Overview" ICCMA 2021 Plenary Talk (MetaMechatronics) 2021 The 9th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA), host: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, November 11-14, 2021. 
  • 11/14/2021. "Fractional calculus in big data and machine learning" Sunday 11-12 (GMT+5:30) Invited Talk FDTCA2021 over internet "Fractional Derivatives: Theory & Computations with Applications (FDTCA 2021)" Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi.
  • 12/05/2021 Yang-Quan Chen (University of California)  "Two Triangles: Complexity / Inverse Power Law / Fractional Calculus; and Fractional Calculus / Renormalization Group / Machine Learning (FC-RG-ML)." The 16th Experimental Chaos and Complex Dynamical Systems Conference (ECC 2021) will be held during Friday through Sunday, Dec 3-5, 2021, in Xi’an, China.
  • 12/2021 tbd (10/30/2021 old schedule but changed due to pandemic situation change) "Outliers in control engineering – a fractional calculus perspective". FOSCC, CAA TC FOSCC Annual Meeting, Hainan, China [pre-recorded talk Youtube link]
  • 12/12/2021 IEEE CDC2021 Preconfernece Tutorial Workshop on SCE (4 hours)
  • Jan 2022. MOOC in fractional calculus videos - details soon.

okay that fractionally explains why I was fractionally busy.

Created and Last Updated 11/15/2021, 11/28/21 by Prof. YangQuan Chen