Dr. Calvin Coopmans of AggieAir @ USU will present an invited seminar on "Research and Operations at Utah State University AggieAir: Cyberphysical Unmanned Remote Sensing." (Flyer.docx)
MESA LAB @ UC Merced Research Seminar
Research and Operations at Utah State University AggieAir: Cyberphysical Unmanned Remote Sensing
Dr. Calvin Coopmans, USU AggieAir
Monday, Nov. 24, 2014. 12:00 to 1:00pm;
Location: SE2-224;
(Free pizzas)
For 8 years, the AggieAir group at Utah State University has been researching, building, and flying aerial remote sensing systems for water and natural resource management applications. The timely delivery of actionable information from small, unmanned aerial systems (SUAS) is a challenging task, and AggieAir has been successfully applied to precision agriculture, tracking of invasive wetlands plant species, monitoring of in-stream fish habitat, among others. In addition to SUAS systems design and data collection, in this presentation I will present the past, present, and future of AggieAir, as well as connections to unmanned remote sensing to cyber physical systems (CPS) in the coming 15 years.
Calvin Coopmans holds a PhD of electrical engineering from Utah State University, where he leads the researching, designing, and flying aerial remote sensing systems with the AggieAir remote sensing group. Dr. Coopmans has been working in aerospace for more than 10 years and has been serving as a small UAS systems engineer during his past 7 years at Utah State. He has more than 32 publications, including conference and journal papers, and book chapters. Currently he manages a team of 20-25 undergraduate and graduate students who are designing and building UASs specifically for scientific data collection. He has been involved in the AUVSI Seafarer chapter student UAS competitions, and has participated in two First and one Second place teams from Utah State.
For additional info contact Prof. YangQuan Chen: ychen53@ucmerced.edu